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Relations The Social Stigma Against PLHIV (people living with HIVAIDS) with PLHIV acceptance

Relations The Social Stigma Against PLHIV (people living with HIV/AIDS) with PLHIV acceptance

a Case Study in The Public Health Center of Sumber Pucung sub-district Sumber Pucung –Malang

Nurma Zaidah Qistontiniyah1, Janes Jainurakhma2, Riza Fikriana3

1Sudent of Kepanjen High School of Health Science, phone number: +628813466942, nurmazaidah@gmail.com

2 Lecturer of Emergency Nursing, Kepanjen high school of health science, janesjainurakhma@yahoo.com

3 Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Kepanjen high school of health science, phone number: +6282141895193

Address : Kepanjen High School of Health Science

Trunojoyo Street 16 Kepanjen-Malang Regency 65163

Introduction: Stigma is an undesirable attribute derogatory or owned by an individual. Currently HIV/AIDS can be prevented but the main challenges in tackling this disease is a negative stigma. With this study was unable to determine whether or not the relationship public stigma against PLHIV (people living with HIV/AIDS) with acceptance PLHIV in the Sumber Pucung health centers sub- district Sumber Pucung Malang Regency.

Method: The design source analytical study correlation design which examines the relationship as between variable with questionnaire with samples in the can with Accidental Sampling method for 1 week and criteria appropriate respondent. Data processing through editing, coding, tabulating, with Chi Square analysis.

Result: The research results can be largely weak social stigma 82.5% and acceptance of PLHIV mostly very good 52.4%,

Analysis: ρ value of 0,991 and a significance level of 0,05 was also in get ρ > 0,05, so it can be concluded that H1 rejected no relationship public stigma against PLHIV (people with HIV/AIDS) with acceptance PLHIV in the Sumber Pucung health centers sub- district Sumber Pucung Malang regency

Discuss: People have started to have a good stigma and acceptance of PLHIV (people with HIV/AIDS) is very good because it is influenced largely SMA respondent education and knowledge of the respondents who had been informed of the disease HIV/AIDS from the television.


Keywords: Stigma, community, acceptance of PLHIV, PLHIV  

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