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The Effect of Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques to Decrease Blood Pressure Post-Exercise Jantung

The Effect of Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques to Decrease Blood Pressure Post-Exercise “Jantung Sehat”

(a Study in Elderly of Jantung Sehat Foundation Kepanjen-Malang)


Serki Erysandi1, Janes Jainurakhma2, Wiwit Dwi N.3

1Sudent of Kepanjen High School of Health Science, phone number: +628813466942, lakyde.al@gmail.com

2 Lecturer of Emergency Nursing, Kepanjen high school of health science, janesjainurakhma@yahoo.com

3 Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Kepanjen high school of health science, wiwit.dn@gmail.com

Address : Kepanjen High School of Health Science

Trunojoyo Street 16 Kepanjen-Malang Regency 65163


Introduction : elderly according to Law no UU No. 13 tahun 1998 is an individual over the age of 60 years. elderly to change the condition of decreased function of the body in accordance with age. The problem most often appears in the elderly is an increase in blood pressure. Gymnastics healthy heart can be used as one way to keep a heart condition. elderly after following heart gymnastics majority increased blood pressure despite the exercise goal to maintain the condition of the heart. majority of the elderly who have increased blood pressure after a heart-healthy exercise is accompanied by breathing patterns unstable due to exhaustion of these activities. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of deep breathing relaxation techniques to decrease blood pressure post-exercise healthy heart in the healthy heart foundation Kepanjen.

Menthods: The study design is a method of pre-experiment with one group pretest and posttest design, samples are elderly people who come to follow a heart-healthy exercise by purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using observation sheets and checklists. Data management through editing, coding, tabulating the data analysis t test.

Result:  Results of the study 40% of respondents in the category of mild hypertension blood pressure before treatment and after treatment 66.68% of high normal blood pressure categories with p value 0,019.

Analysis: p value 0.019 significance level α of 0.05. The results of the analysis of p <0.05. So it can be concluded that H1 accepted that there is influence of deep breathing relaxation techniques to decrease post-exercise blood pressure in elderly healthy heart Healthy Heart Foundation Kepanjen years 2014-2015.

Discuss : elderly people who have been doing activities that accompanied fatigue unstable breathing patterns with increased blood pressure, the elderly can use deep breathing relaxation techniques to help stabilize the condition of the body.


Keywords: deep breathing relaxation techniques, exercise “jantung sehat”, decreased blood pressure, elderly

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